Spydus Help
Circulation / Bulk item maintenance
In This Topic
    Bulk item maintenance
    In This Topic

    To make changes in bulk:

    1. Navigate to Circulation > Item > Bulk Item Maintenance.
    2. Select the criteria to apply to the items to be updated. Note that all selected criteria will be applied to all updated items.
      • Select the new Institution.
      • Select the new Location and Sub location.
      • Select the new Collection.
      • Select the new Category 1 and Category 2.
      • Select the Item status you want, and click Add or Remove.
      • Select the Stock rotation plan you want, and click Add or Remove.
      • All non-mandatory item details (Item status, Stock rotation plan, Usage level, Material type, Category 1 & 2) may also be Cleared. Clearing will remove any (and in the case of statuses, all) of these details from updated items. 
    3. Scan or type the accession number of the item to be updated into the Accession number box.

    Check for reservations

    Select this option to check for reservations before setting or removing an item status.

    Checking for reservations is performed only at the item level, and only when setting or removing an item status.

    Selecting items to bulk maintain

    To bulk update a set of records without scanning them manually, click Search to find the desired item or items. To pull in a set of records, either;

    If using a SavedList, ensure that the records in the list are Item (ITM) records. Other record formats (e.g. bibliographic records) cannot be updated via this interface.

    Clearing Claims Returned/Claims Never Borrowed in bulk

    When removing the Claims Returned/Claims Never Borrowed status in bulk, it is possible to apply the:

    ..to all records in the set by checking the Apply to all option. 


    Click image to enlarge

    Reset, Clear Grid and Close

    The Reset button on the action bar will clear the Details section of any selections that have been made.

    The Clear Grid button on the action bar will remove any items from the returns grid that have been scanned through.

    The Close button on the action bar will close the Bulk Item Maintenance interface and take the user to the Circulation Returns page.

    About bulk item maintenance for serials

    Changing the location or collection will only retrieve Item group (Issue) records. This will then be inherited by the child records (Items) in the group. Serial Item records will not be retrieved in Bulk Item Maintenance.

    Changing the item status or categories will retrieve either the group or item records.


    The Export option will export an Excel spreadsheet file with the contents of the grid (i.e. the results of Bulk Item Maintenance attempts).